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Missworld Diary 24th January 2009

I can’t believe that we have done so much in 2 ½ weeks.

We set a target of visiting 14 provinces and over 40 locations and we have met that target.

Today we are making one final visit and for me it is an extra special occasion. The Russian Consul General Mr. Nikolai D.Ubushiev, has invited me to the Russian Consulate in Saigon, to meet many of the Russian Families who are living in the City. This includes all the children aged 7-16 who study at the Russian school, which is based in the Consulate buildings.

When I arrive I am first taken to the classrooms. The head teacher shows me the paintings the children have done as part of their school project. Each painting depicts their view of my winning the Miss World Crown.
I am so pleased that they have done this for me. Every painting differs in some way but there is two things they all have in common.

The lady in the picture has a very happy face and bright yellow hair (I suppose its not easy to draw blonde!). I wish I could take these pictures home, but the teacher explains that the paintings are now part of the years work, which will be used in assessing the children’s final marks.

Whatever the final mark I am giving each child A plus.

We move from the classroom to the music room and the children sing a medley of well know songs and recite poetry. The Consul General invites me to answer their questions and I feel it is my responsibility to tell them that although I have won Miss World it is not as important as finishing my education by completing the final year of my degree.

My words produce a nod of approval from the headmaster but I am not sure I have convinced the rest of the audience.

Before returning to the hotel Mr. Ubushiev invites me for tea at his residence and I have a chance to meet with his charming wife and talk about things at home. I am amazed to find that they both come from Tyumen, my home town!

Well for the first time on this tour, I have gone a whole day without an interpreter, but its now time to get back to the hotel and practice my “Chuc Mung Nam Moi’s” ready for tomorrow night!


Find a beautiful girls